Seed @ LA Mart
LA’s Pico-Union neighborhood lies a stone’s throw away from Downtown, which is where we have been making handcrafted furniture for the last 7 years. This winter Schley, along with designers Steven Anthony (Steven Anthony, Inc) and Katherine Ferwerda (K-York Studios) will begin collaborating on styles and designs that are made entirely in Los Angeles.
“The LA Mart attracts buyers and designers from all over the world and we are eager to exhibit our locally designed and manufactured furniture that that is the product of California’s rich culture and history,” said Schley at his workshop studio on Washington Ave. “At a time when most if not all of the large manufactures overseas, it is important to show goods that are made in Los Angeles, to give buyers another option”
The 12th-floor showroom (suite 1202) at The LA Mart will feature Steven Anthony’s Sofas, Seed Furniture’s case goods, and K-York Studios art and design elements. The hope is to attract designers and buyers who want the simplicity and speed of dealing with local Manufactures.
“My family has been building and sofas in Los Angeles for 80 years and our showroom hopes to promote local manufactures to the greater design community,” said Stephen Anthony. “We want to make people aware that there are local manufactures who can quickly customize and produce items. Larger retailers who build overseas can’t do that.”
Seed Furniture’s latest collection embodies this idea and is inspired by a 250 foot trellis they recently completed at the Huntington Gardens.
“I wanted to create a piece and a line that was amazingly strong and durable but read as transparent and ephemeral -- all the while personifying the California living ethos,” said Schley.